About AML

FOR ADULT PATIENTS. It is not known if ONUREG® is safe and effective in children under 18 years of age.

What is AML
(acute myeloid leukemia)?

AML is a blood cancer that
starts in the bone marrow

The bone marrow is a soft tissue found within the bones

Bone marrow typically produces platelets (which help with blood clotting), red blood cells (which transport oxygen throughout the body), and white blood cells (which help fight infection)

In most cases, AML can quickly move from the bone marrow into the blood and can sometimes spread to other parts of the body

Red Blood Cell
White Blood Cell
Leukemic Cell
Blast Cell

In AML, the bone marrow makes abnormal blood cells

Normally, the bone marrow makes immature cells that go on to become mature blood cells

In AML, blood cells don’t form properly in the bone marrow and young, immature cells, called myeloblasts, or blasts for short, are produced instead. Blasts are unable to fight infections the way healthy blood cells can

As the bone marrow produces more and more blasts, there is no room for the production of normal platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells. When there are too many blasts and not enough healthy cells, the symptoms of AML begin to occur

Interested in more

Gain more clarity on AML and
ONUREG® treatment in the glossary

Treatment for someone
with AML typically starts
as soon as possible

Acute means that this disease can get
worse quickly if left untreated.

Depending on factors like age or the type of AML, a person with AML may receive a few treatments before they start to feel better.

As Soon as Possible Icon

A main goal of treatment is to eliminate the blasts in the blood and bone marrow

The first phase of treatment, called induction therapy, is usually the strongest against blasts.

The goal of induction therapy is to achieve complete remission. Complete remission, or remission for short,
describes the absence of signs and symptoms of AML.*

Continued treatment
for AML

Your healthcare team will decide if treatment after remission is necessary

Goals of treatment may include preventing AML from returning and helping patients live longer.*

Post-remission treatment options include:

  • Additional chemotherapy: Consists of similar drugs used during induction, however, at different doses.
    This treatment is also known as consolidation therapy
  • Bone marrow transplant: Involves transferring healthy stem cells from a donor to a person with AML.
    This treatment is also known as a stem cell transplant or a hematopoietic stem cell transplant

Continued treatment is another post-remission option for AML

Potential treatment journey for people with AML
Intensive induction therapy
First remission
Continued treatment with ONUREG®

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